Variety Santa Fun Run A Great Success

Image source: Variety Facebook page

Image source: Variety Facebook page

On Sunday 30 November and Sunday 7 December thousands of jolly Santas joined us for the Variety Santa Fun Run. A sea of red and white took to the streets in Sydney, Newcastle, Canberra, Melbourne, Hobart, Perth, Geraldton, Darwin and Bundaberg, all in support of Variety and Aussie kids in need.

Variety – the Children’s Charity is a national not-for-profit organisation committed to empowering Australian children who are sick, disadvantaged or have special needs to gain mobility, independence and self-esteem.

Variety helps children in need to overcome whatever obstacles they face and live life to the fullest.

Image source: Variety Facebook page

Image source: Variety Facebook page

This year, masses of Santa Claus’ came to every state in Australia – running, walking and even rolling in strollers and wheelchairs as they “Ho! Ho! Ho!” on their merry way to raise funds for Variety – the Children’s Charity and Aussie kids in need.

Sydney’s bighearted Santas hit the pavement on December 7 for the 6th annual Variety Santa Fun Run, starting at 8:30am at Darling Harbour’s Palm Grove and meandering five kilometres through the city before finishing in a magnificent mass on the steps of the Sydney Opera House.

Image source: Variety Facebook page

Image source: Variety Facebook page

Tam Johnston, CEO of Variety – the Children’s Charity NSW said how funds raised were so important.

“Christmas is a time when our thoughts turn, not only to our own families, but to those who are having a tougher time than we are. Being part of the Santa Fun Run is a fantastic way to make a difference for Australian children who are sick, disadvantaged or have special needs and their families at this special time of year.

Interview with Tam Johnston – CEO of Variety – the Children’s Charity NSW:

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