Miller Teacher Named Citizen of the Year

2015 Citizen of the Year source: Liverpool Champion

2015 Citizen of the Year
source: Liverpool Champion

Liverpool Council announced the recipients of their annual Australia Day Awards during a ceremony at Woodward Park.

Liverpool Champion reported that the awards were presented to local residents and groups who had made outstanding contributions to the Liverpool community.

Liverpool mayor Ned Mannoun said: ‘‘The recipients of the awards were all nominated by family, friends or their peers for their work in the community.’’

‘‘These awards give the City of Liverpool the opportunity to say thank you to its citizens, and publicly acknowledge their valuable contribution within our community,’’ he said.

‘‘To receive one of the awards is an outstanding achievement that is well deserved by the recipients.’’

The awards are provided by the National Australia Day Council and are administered by the National Australia Day Council and local councils throughout Australia on their behalf.

Interview with Ruth Hartcher-O’Brien:
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