Artist Spotlight: A Trip to Wonderland

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Not every four-year-old can claim to have his own art exhibition, but that’s what makes Jaxson Barlow different.

The little da Vinci has teamed up with his mum, artist Rebecca Brady, to produce Wonderland, a stunning exhibition of 27 works which can be seen at Casula Powerhouse until Sunday, 25 January .

“When I thought about collaborating with him I didn’t think it was unusual,” Ms Brady said.

“I just thought he was a typical kid until someone said ‘no, he’s really good.’”

Jaxson is already a prize-winning artist, walking away from the recent Liverpool Art Society competition with first prize in the under-12 category, making runner-up last year at 3.

The mother-and-son team from Picnic Point began painting together a year ago after Ms Brady approached Powerhouse director Kiersten Fishburn with the proposal.

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“I was mucking around painting on canvas and … he started drawing on it and I thought, wow, this is working,” Ms Brady said.

“After we did the first artwork I asked Ms Fishburn whether there was an opportunity to have a show.”

Ms Brady, who teaches art at Ashcroft High School, said Jaxson has been surrounded by art all his life, something she encourages.

“Picasso said every child is an artist but the problem is staying one when they grow up,” Ms Brady said.

“The whole idea for me as an artist is when we stop looking at clouds and seeing animals and we just see clouds; I really wanted to join those two ideas.”

She said the name Wonderland was Jaxson’s idea, partly inspired by a white rabbit at his preschool, where a few of the artworks were painted with the help of Jaxson’s playmates.

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“The idea of the Cheshire Cat disappearing played on the idea of my starting on an artwork and Jaxson finishing it or vice versa.

“Every time we paint we go to a new world.”

Exhibition details:


WHERE: Casula Powerhouse, 1 Powerhouse Rd, Casula
WHEN: until January 25
ARTISTS: Rebecca Brady and son Jaxson Barlow, 4

Interview with Rebecca Brady:
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