Monday Microphone: 2016/17, Moon Festival & Communication

2016/17 Planning

The board and one other member met on Saturday to discuss what we should “Start, Stop and Continue”. Thanks to those that contribute by email.

The top 6 initiatives are:

– Complete the Studio 1 and 2 installation
– Communication to members to be enhanced – now and ongoing
– 2GLF meetings – covering – updates and social events – Next meeting is October 2016. We are waiting on council to confirm our booking of the venue.
– Listener Survey
– Member Survey
– Training needs analysis

Moon Festival – Outside Broadcast

2GLF were present at the Cabramatta Moon Festival

Many thanks goes to Carol and Daniel for setting up. Michael Ritchie for doing his show. Tony and Mary popped in to say hello. Glen and Ian and Mona. The Loa’ program for donating Tea, Coffee and Biscuits

Peter Hinze for his donation as prizes for the Street Survey

Self Evaluation Survey

Members are encouraged to complete the Self Evaluation Survey. This will give the team a better understanding on what training is required to help you become self-sufficient from a technology perspective and to identify what help can be given from a content and production perspective. The aim is for 2GLF to help you grow and get better at delivering the best content you can.

Please complete this survey as soon as you can in order to benefit from the training.

More information @

Premises Inspection

Our Studios were inspected by Liverpool Council’s Safety Officer – this was their 2nd visit and they continue to be very happy with our premises

Law Partners have renewed their sponsorship of the news – Good job Ian. We are looking for more sponsors…do you have any suggestions? Please let me know.


I have noticed that on occasion, some communication could be delivered in a more appropriate manner…especially when it comes to emails! Please remember to ask and not tell…we are all volunteers.

Steve Ventrella