Happy Friday…. 89.3FM’s Big Weekend

Everyone is getting ready to sizzle this Saturday at the Crossroads. We got almost a dozen volunteers to help Your Local Station 89.3FM 2GLF. If you are still keen, let us know so we can squeeze you into Team Sizzle.

Facebook Blocks 89.3 2GLF

Facebook has banned 89.3FM 2GLF as part of a dispute with the Australian Government.

2021-22 Programming – Apply Today

As part our regular programming process, everyone must submit a new program application form to secure a program within the 2021-2022 Program schedule.

Great news…. it is time to sizzle!

We will be holding a Bunnings Fundraising Sausage Sizzle at the Casula Crossroads Bunnings on Saturday, February 27th 2021.

Members Zoom!

Based on the feedback from the AGM, we are going to hold our post-AGM Member’s Catch-up via Zoom this year.

2020-21 Board Nominations

In readiness for our remote Annual General Meeting, nominations are now open for positions on the 2020-21 Board.

COVID-19 Station Update

Thanks for everyone’s ongoing support as Covid-19 continues to present challenges to us all. Liverpool & Fairfield continues to be a focus for increased testing and surveillance by NSW Health, so we must continue to be vigilant in our day to day operations to ensure the safety of you and our community.

Remote Broadcasting & Studio Re-Opening

As we return to a new normal, 89.3FM 2GLF is adjusting how we put our programs together in the coming weeks as Government restrictions ease. It really has been a credit to our volunteer team that a lot of our regular listeners are none the wiser that we switched from broadcasting from our studio complex to dozens of different sites across the local area.